
Microsoft just announced the general availability of Microsoft Fabric at its annual Ignite 2023 conference, on November 15th.

This article provides my own opinion and vision of the recently announced version of the product.

I really love this diagram by Microsoft:

Because it well represents my logical and technical vision of having a one-stop-shop for everything analytics.

Rather than looking at the overall analytics platform in parts:

  • Data sources
  • Ingest
  • Transform
  • Analyze

My vision of the product adheres to the new fast-pacing world of analytics where your data can be anywhere and everywhere and the analysis of the data should be as fast as possible. In addition, from my point of view, one of the biggest challenges organizations face today is data duplication and creating a disorganized “Data Swamp”, where it is very hard to find the data and its lineage as it transforms.
In order to resolve those challenges, it is very important to create real lakehouses and now, with Fabric, you can reorganize your swamp without even moving the data!

This new vision resolves the current problems and constraints we are having when it comes to analytics by looking at it from the Business User and Data Scientist perspective rather than “data first” viewpoint. That means that by understanding what you want to view and analyze, we can tell you where to find your data.

Other than what I mentioned above, here are the top main reasons I would definitely consider using Microsoft Fabric in my next projects:

All in one – Software as a Service

Microsoft Fabric distinguishes itself as a powerful Software as a Service (SaaS) solution, offering a comprehensive and user-friendly platform that streamlines various aspects of application development and deployment. As a SaaS offering, Microsoft Fabric eliminates the need for organizations to manage the underlying infrastructure, allowing them to focus on creating and delivering exceptional software experiences. With Fabric, users can harness the benefits of a cloud-based service, enjoying automatic updates, scalability, and accessibility from any device with an internet connection. This approach significantly reduces the complexity of software development and accelerates time-to-market for applications. Microsoft Fabric’s SaaS model not only enhances efficiency but also ensures that users have access to the latest features and improvements, underscoring its commitment to delivering a seamlessly integrated and always-evolving solution for modern software development needs.

This concept also means that all the roles in your organization will find everything they need in one place. No more relying on different vendors, all the functionality is there:

  • Data – by leveraging OneLake, businesses can consolidate and manage all their data seamlessly in one centralized location, utilizing the power of Delta Files. This innovative solution allows for the native storage and manipulation of open Delta Lake formatted files, eliminating the dependency on an underlying database. With the streamlined capabilities of OneLake, organizations gain the flexibility to efficiently store, access, and process their data, fostering a unified and scalable approach to data management. This not only simplifies data workflows but also enhances data integrity and accessibility, paving the way for more agile and responsive decision-making processes.
  • OneSecurity – OneLake provides a single, unified storage system for discovery and data sharing. Security settings are enforced centrally and uniformly; data in OneLake is divided into manageable containers for easy handling, where each “user” can have their own workspace in the OneLake, similarly to The Office OneDrive configuration. All Fabric components are using the OneLake, hence no need for any extra configuration.
  • ETL/ELT and integrations – the dynamic duo of Azure Data Factory and Power Query forms a formidable combination for comprehensive data ingestion and transformation. Azure Data Factory, a cloud-based data integration service, seamlessly orchestrates and automates the entire data pipeline, facilitating the efficient movement of data across diverse sources. Power Query, on the other hand, provides a robust data connectivity and transformation experience, empowering users to shape and mold data into the desired format. Together, these tools create a synergistic environment where data can be easily ingested, transformed, and prepared for downstream analytics. The integration of Azure Data Factory and Power Query not only streamlines the ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) or ELT (Extract, Load, Transform) processes but also ensures data quality and consistency, laying a solid foundation for data-driven insights and decision-making.
  • Data Warehouse – the innovative Data Warehouse introduces a paradigm shift by enabling the decoupling of compute from storage, revolutionizing the way SQL capabilities operate at scale. This groundbreaking approach eliminates the traditional demarcation between Serverless and Dedicated SQL Pool, offering a unified and seamless experience. Now, organizations can harness the power of a singular SQL capability that operates effortlessly over Delta Files. This unified approach not only simplifies the architecture but also optimizes resource utilization, allowing for more efficient and cost-effective scaling based on actual data processing needs. The result is a versatile and scalable Data Warehouse solution that adapts dynamically to varying workloads, providing organizations with unprecedented flexibility and agility in managing their data at scale.
  • Data Engineering – a Spark platform for large scale data transformations; orchestrating spark jobs and notebooks in the Azure Data Factory. This component is a powerful tool for managing large-scale data operations. It simplifies the complexities of data engineering tasks, offering efficient solutions for data integration, transformation, and analysis. This component enables the creation of scalable pipelines, facilitating the seamless flow of information across diverse sources. With capabilities for data cleansing, enrichment, and integration, Microsoft Fabric empowers organizations to extract valuable insights from their data, modernizing and optimizing their data workflows with ease.
  • Data Science (new) – the introduction of Synapse Data Science marks a significant leap forward, offering an integrated environment that seamlessly collaborates with Azure Machine Learning (ML) models. This powerful synergy empowers data scientists to leverage cutting-edge machine learning capabilities within the comprehensive Synapse Analytics platform. The integration extends beyond mere compatibility, enabling the seamless incorporation of ML predictions directly into Power BI reports. This cohesive ecosystem streamlines the end-to-end data science and analytics workflow, from model development in Synapse Data Science to actionable insights in Power BI. By uniting the strengths of these platforms, organizations can not only enhance the predictive capabilities of their analytics but also democratize data science insights throughout the business, fostering a data-driven culture. This integration ensures that ML predictions become an integral part of the decision-making process, offering a holistic approach to analytics and business intelligence within the Azure ecosystem.
  • Real-time Analytics – Synapse Real-Time Analytics offers several advantages that make it a powerful solution for organizations seeking to derive actionable insights from their data in real-time. Some key advantages include:
    • Low Latency Processing: Synapse Real-Time Analytics enables low-latency processing of streaming data. This means that organizations can analyze and respond to data as it arrives, allowing for quick and informed decision-making.
    • Scalability: The solution provides scalability to handle large volumes of streaming data, ensuring that as data sources grow, the system can seamlessly adapt to meet the demand. This scalability is crucial for businesses dealing with dynamic and rapidly changing data streams.
    • Integration with Synapse Studio: Synapse Real-Time Analytics is integrated with Synapse Studio, offering a unified environment for data engineers, data scientists, and analysts. This integration streamlines the end-to-end process of ingesting, preparing, managing, and analyzing both real-time and historical data.
    • Interoperability with Azure Services: It seamlessly integrates with other Azure services, facilitating a comprehensive analytics ecosystem. This interoperability allows organizations to leverage complementary services like Azure Machine Learning, Power BI, and more, creating a holistic data analytics environment.
    • Advanced Analytics Capabilities: Synapse Real-Time Analytics supports advanced analytics and machine learning on streaming data. This means organizations can derive not only real-time insights but also implement predictive analytics and machine learning models to anticipate future trends.
    • Security and Compliance: Synapse Real-Time Analytics is built on Azure, benefiting from Azure’s robust security and compliance features. This ensures that sensitive data is protected, and organizations can adhere to regulatory requirements.
    • Cost Efficiency: With Synapse Real-Time Analytics, organizations can optimize costs by scaling resources based on demand. This pay-as-you-go model allows for efficient resource utilization, minimizing costs during periods of low activity.
    • In summary, Synapse Real-Time Analytics provides organizations with the tools and capabilities needed to process and analyze streaming data in real-time, offering scalability, integration, advanced analytics, and other features crucial for staying competitive in a rapidly evolving data landscape.
  • Business Intelligence (BI) – Power BI, a widely adopted tool in the industry for robust reporting and analytics, has taken a significant leap forward in its capabilities. With the integration of OneLake, Power BI users can now seamlessly connect to a centralized data repository instead of dealing with specific data sources. This transformative shift eliminates the need to manage permissions at the individual data source level, addressing a common challenge faced by organizations. By pointing Power BI to OneLake, businesses simplify their data access management, enhancing efficiency and reducing the complexities associated with granular permissions. This not only streamlines the reporting process but also contributes to a more agile and secure analytics environment, allowing users to focus on deriving meaningful insights without the burden of intricate permission management at the data source level.

No need to move/import data

OneLake introduces a groundbreaking feature known as “shortcuts,” enabling users to seamlessly reference existing data from diverse sources, including other Cloud platforms and Storage, provided it is in Delta Lake format. This innovative capability eliminates the need for laborious data imports or migrations. By harnessing OneLake, organizations can directly connect to data wherever it resides, fostering a more agile and interconnected data ecosystem. This not only boosts operational efficiency but also ensures real-time access to the latest information, streamlining workflows and eliminating the bottlenecks associated with traditional data movement processes.

No need to pre-allocate resources (but you still can)

Serverless architecture represents a paradigm shift in the way computing resources are provisioned and managed, offering unparalleled flexibility and efficiency. With this model, organizations can dynamically scale their resources in response to real-time demand, eliminating the need for pre-allocating fixed resources. This adaptability is particularly advantageous in scenarios where workloads fluctuate, allowing for seamless scaling up during peak periods and automatic scaling down during lulls in activity. While the option to pre-allocate resources still exists for specific use cases, the serverless approach fundamentally simplifies resource management, optimizing costs and ensuring that computing power aligns precisely with application needs. This not only enhances performance but also enables organizations to achieve a more cost-effective and responsive IT infrastructure in tune with the dynamic demands of modern business environments.

Scale up and down, autoscale and Pause

Microsoft Fabric provides a cutting-edge solution with its advanced auto-scaling capabilities, empowering businesses to seamlessly adapt to varying workloads and demand fluctuations. With its intelligent scaling algorithms, Fabric dynamically adjusts computing resources in real-time, ensuring optimal performance and efficiency. This automated scaling not only enhances system reliability but also helps organizations optimize their infrastructure costs by efficiently utilizing resources based on actual usage. Whether experiencing sudden spikes in traffic or dealing with varying workloads, Microsoft Fabric’s auto-scaling feature ensures that applications remain responsive and available, providing a robust foundation for businesses to thrive in a dynamic digital landscape.

Another standout features of Microsoft Fabric is its flexibility, exemplified by the ability to simply pause the service when needed, either manually or automatically. This unique capability allows organizations to temporarily halt operations, providing a cost-effective solution during periods of inactivity or scheduled maintenance. Pausing the Microsoft Fabric service not only conserves resources but also enables businesses to align their computing expenditures with actual demand. This functionality empowers users with greater control over their cloud infrastructure, facilitating strategic resource management and cost optimization. Whether it’s for routine maintenance tasks or to adapt to changing business priorities, the ability to pause the Microsoft Fabric service underscores its adaptability, making it a valuable asset for organizations seeking both performance and economic efficiency.


Microsoft Fabric offers a compelling pricing model with several advantages tailored to meet the diverse needs of businesses:

  1. Pay-as-You-Go Flexibility: The Microsoft Fabric pricing model operates on a pay-as-you-go basis, allowing organizations to pay only for the resources they consume. This flexible approach ensures cost-effectiveness, especially for businesses with varying workloads, as they can scale resources up or down based on actual demand.
  2. Predictable Costs: Despite the dynamic scaling capabilities, Microsoft Fabric provides predictability in costs. Organizations can set budget parameters and monitor resource consumption, helping them manage expenses efficiently. This transparency is crucial for financial planning and ensuring that there are no surprises in billing.
  3. Resource Efficiency: With Microsoft Fabric’s pricing model, resource efficiency is maximized. The ability to allocate resources precisely to match application requirements contributes to optimal utilization, minimizing wastage and enhancing cost-effectiveness.
  4. No Upfront Commitments: Microsoft Fabric’s pricing model eliminates the need for upfront commitments or long-term contracts. This flexibility is particularly advantageous for businesses with evolving needs, allowing them to adapt to changing circumstances without being tied to fixed commitments.
  5. Scalability Without Overhead: Businesses can scale their resources seamlessly without incurring unnecessary overhead costs. This scalability ensures that organizations can match their infrastructure to the demands of their applications and user base without incurring additional expenses during periods of lower demand.
  6. Transparent Monitoring and Reporting: Microsoft Fabric provides robust monitoring and reporting tools, enabling organizations to gain insights into resource usage patterns. This transparency facilitates informed decision-making, allowing businesses to optimize their infrastructure for both performance and cost-efficiency.
  7. Integrated Services: The pricing model integrates with other Microsoft Azure services, providing a comprehensive ecosystem for cloud computing. This integration ensures that businesses can leverage additional Azure services seamlessly, creating a cohesive and interconnected cloud environment.

In summary, Microsoft Fabric’s pricing model combines flexibility, predictability, and efficiency, allowing organizations to tailor their resource usage to specific requirements while maintaining cost control and transparency. This approach aligns well with the dynamic nature of modern businesses and their evolving IT needs.


In summary, Microsoft Fabric stands out as a dynamic and versatile solution, offering a suite of features designed to streamline data management, analytics, and application development. Its Auto-Scaling capabilities empower businesses to adapt seamlessly to varying workloads, optimizing performance and cost-efficiency. The ability to pause the service adds a layer of flexibility, allowing organizations to efficiently manage resources during periods of inactivity or maintenance.

The platform’s Software as a Service (SaaS) model simplifies software development and deployment, ensuring access to the latest features and improvements. Microsoft Fabric’s Data Engineering component provides a comprehensive solution for managing and processing data at scale, facilitating seamless integration, transformation, and analysis.

Azure OneLake introduces a paradigm shift by centralizing data and offering shortcuts to existing data, eliminating the need for data imports or movement. Additionally, the Synapse Real-Time Analytics feature enables low-latency processing and scalability for real-time insights.

The integration of Power BI with OneLake simplifies data access management, allowing users to connect directly to a centralized data repository. The introduction of shortcuts in OneLake further enhances its capabilities by enabling effortless referencing of existing data from various locations.

Serverless architecture in Microsoft Fabric provides scalability without the need for pre-allocating resources, offering flexibility and efficiency. The pricing model of Microsoft Fabric adds another layer of advantage, featuring pay-as-you-go flexibility, predictable costs, resource efficiency, and transparent monitoring and reporting. With no upfront commitments and seamless scalability, organizations can tailor their infrastructure to match application requirements, ensuring optimal performance and cost-effectiveness in a comprehensive and integrated Azure ecosystem.

Next steps

Excited? Me too!
Next step is obviously creating the new Fabric service in Azure and start playing with its components. My next articles here will be specific to the creation, configuration and usage of the different components of the environment.

Stay tuned!





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